JUNE 18/19TH



June 18/19th 00.13 BST. Slightly longer shutter to capture the true magnitude of the display as well as the fainter detail. There's a nice double curved shadow like the letter 'M' tilted at an angle on the RHS. Capella in Auriga is near centre with the stars of Perseus to the R. What many people don't appreciate is how difficult NLC photography can be, the principle is simple, however applying this and getting a good faithful image is not easy and takes time and much effort. This why I believe in imaging every NLC display visible because with such practice your skills can only improve which is something that could pay off in a serious way when a major display appears. I have my own way of capturing NLCs, I favour the low ISO-longer shutter approach to reduce noise, this method has been very successful for me. The settings will vary depending on the display itself, the time of night, the focal length of the lens, how fast or slow the clouds are moving, and on the sensitivity and noise level of your own camera. Some people prefer high ISO's and a short shutter, everyone has their own way.