JUNE 18/19TH



June 18/19th 00.23 BST. Capella with most of Auriga to the L and Perseus on the R. The electric blue colour looked eerie and unlike other blue NLC displays I had seen. It had a Tropical Ocean feel to it. Below, the white coloured NLCs were a portent for what was about to come. That large dark bank of cloud over the Sperrins arrived in and gradually drifted over the display, biting into it, piece and piece, until it was obscured. A few spits of light precipitation fell and with things looking hopeless I went back home again. I hadn't given up though, I knew this would be a night of patchy cloud and clear periods so I would just go out again when it cleared up. I was looking forward to a mug of tea since I had been out for a while and could do with a break.